Some of the diagnoses our speech therapists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists treat include:
Autism Spectrum Disorder • Developmental Delays • Cognitive & Learning Delays • Speech & Language Disorders • Apraxia • Selective Mutism • Dysarthria • Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate • ADHD / ADD • Cerebral Palsy • Down Syndrome • Failure to Thrive • Prematurity • Neurological Disorders (Congenital and Post Traumatic) • Traumatic Brain Injuries • Head Injuries • Physical Injuries • Spinal Cord Injuries • Muscular Dystrophy • Congenital Abnormalities • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome • Microcephaly • Hypertonia • Hypotonia • Paralysis • Seizure Disorders​ • Torticollis • Brachial Plexus Injuries • Sensory Integration Disorder • Decreased Vision • Angelman Syndrome • Rett Syndrome • Prader-Willie Syndrome • Turner Syndrome • DiGeorge Syndrome • Reye's Syndrome • Dandy-Walker Syndrome • Arthrogryposis • Erb's Palsy • Scoliosis • Spina Bifida

The ability to communicate is essential to learning, playing, expressing who we are, interacting with the world around us and all of the people in it, and most importantly, the ability to communicate is essential to getting what we need to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Without effective communication, life can become very frustrating, confusing, and even seem hopeless to a child. Being able to communicate effectively with the people around us, whether we’re using words, pictures, sign language, or augmentative communication, makes this world a much friendlier place to be in.
The highly-experienced, State-licensed, and ASHA-Certified Speech-Language Pathologists at My Left Foot Children’s Therapy will help your child learn how to effectively communicate with the world around them so that they can lead a happy and fulfilling life.
Early Social-Communication Skills
Sound Production (articulation)
Receptive Language Skills (understanding words and following directions)
Expressive Language Skills (learning to say first words, putting words together, naming objects, talking about events, organizing thoughts into words, and having logical conversations with others)
Pragmatics (using appropriate eye contact and following the social rules of conversation)
Voice (quality, volume, and pitch)
Fluency (speed of speech and stuttering)
Oral Motor Skills (how parts of the mouth move for speaking and eating)
If you are concerned about your child’s communication skills, please contact us immediately and we will schedule a comprehensive evaluation for your child with one of our highly-experienced, State-licensed, and ASHA-Certified Speech-Language Pathologists.
Our hope, and mission, at My Left Foot Children’s Therapy, is that all children are given the opportunity to learn how to effectively communicate with the world around them so that they can lead happy and fulfilling lives.

Pediatric Feeding Disorders can be complex and caused by one or more issues related to 1) physical limitations such as oral motor skills or physical deformities, 2) sensory limitations like texture aversions, 3) behavioral issues, 4) physiological issues, 5) psychosocial dynamics, 6) medical issues, or more than likely, 7) a combination of two or more of these issues.
At My Left Foot Children’s Therapy, we offer a holistic approach to assessing the safety of your child’s feeding abilities, identifying the underlying cause of your child’s feeding disorder, developing a holistic plan to get your child eating safely and independently, and creating a program that will make mealtimes an enjoyable activity again.
Each of our highly skilled feeding therapists brings to the table a unique perspective and frame of reference based on their own personal experiences and areas
of expertise. Working together to assess, identify, plan, and implement your child’s feeding therapy program, our highly skilled Occupational Therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists specializing in feeding disorders will help your child develop the skills they need to overcome their feeding challenges.
Cleft palate/cleft lip
Autism, ADHD
Developmental delays, down syndrome, cerebral palsy, neurological disorders
Picky eating, limited diet, food refusal
Challenging mealtime behaviors
Bottle aversion
Swallowing and chewing difficulties, dysphagia
Prematurity, failure to thrive
Sensory integration disorders
G-tube dependency, weaning from tube feeding
If you are concerned about your child’s feeding skills, please contact us immediately and we will schedule a comprehensive evaluation for your child with our highly experienced, state-licensed, and Nationally Board Certified Occupational Therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists specializing in Feeding Therapy.
Our team will work together to help your child develop the skills necessary to overcome their feeding challenges and make mealtime fun again.

When most people hear the term, "Occupational Therapy," they think, "work therapy," but that is not what Occupational Therapy is. The word "Occupation" is actually defined as the activity a person does during the majority of their day that gives their life meaning or purpose. For an adult, that usually IS work, but for a child, it is play and learning, and in EARLY childhood, almost ALL learning is done THROUGH play. As Occupational Therapists specializing in pediatrics, we are specially trained to teach children who are unique in their physical, cognitive, learning, sensory, or psychological abilities, the skills they will need in order to grow into independent young adults. Because children learn through play, and children learn best by doing, and when children enjoy what they are doing they learn even better, our Pediatric Occupational Therapists at My Left Foot Children's Therapy are experts in turning therapy into play. Give us any therapy goal, and we can turn it into a game! THAT is our superpower!
The Pediatric Occupational Therapists at My Left Foot Children's Therapy help children gain the physical, cognitive, sensory, emotional, and social skills they need now in order to successfully participate in the world around them, as well as the skills they will need in the future to grow into the independent, healthy, successful adults they are meant to be.
Experience difficulty with the performance of self-care activities including brushing teeth, combing hair, buttoning a shirt, tying shoes, using utensils such as a spoon or fork, etc.:
Have difficulty with fine motor activities such as handwriting or using scissors.
Have difficulty with oral motor skills such as sucking from a bottle, chewing food, or using the tongue to move food to the back of the mouth to swallow it.
Have trouble initiating or completing tasks such as doing a puzzle or finishing homework.
Experience problems in school with visual motor or visual perceptual activities such as copying from the board or completing assignments accurately.
Exhibit an aversion to sensory input demonstrated by not wanting to participate in messy activities, not wanting to be hugged or touched, becoming very upset by loud noises, etc.
Having difficulty maintaining balance during motor activities including climbing stairs, running, jumping, or skipping.
Have difficulty with cognitive tasks such as following instructions, problem solving, and organization.
Have difficulty in social situations including interacting and playing appropriately with other children.
If you are concerned about your child’s self-help, sensory, behavioral, cognitive, social, feeding, or motor skills, please contact us immediately, and we will schedule a comprehensive evaluation for your child with one of our highly experienced, state-licensed and board-certified, Occupational Therapists.
Our board-certified Occupational Therapists at My Left Foot Children’s Therapy will work with your child to develop the skills necessary to lead an independent and fulfilling life.

the Pediatric Physical Therapists at My Left Foot Children’s Therapy assist children in developing and improving their mobility so that they can safely participate in activities at home, in school, on the playground, and in their community.
We help children gain the strength, endurance, flexibility, and skills necessary to sit, crawl, walk, run, and play independently. For children who must rely on mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, and orthotics, we teach these children how to use these aids effectively, while continuing to help them gain the strength, endurance, and flexibility that they will need to one day walk independently.
Gross motor delays
Decreased coordination
Poor balance
Toe walking
Hypertonicity and hypotonicity
Poor muscle strength
If you are concerned about your child's coordination, balance, strength, endurance, mobility, or developmental skills, please contact us immediately, and we will schedule a comprehensive evaluation for your child with one of our highly experienced, state-licensed, nationally board-certified Physical Therapists.
Our Board Certified and State Licensed Physical Therapists at My Left Foot Children's Therapy will help your child learn, develop, correct, and strengthen the physical abilities your child needs in order to lead a fulfilling, happy, and independent life, both now and in the future.